A vote has started on the libcloud dev list for the 0.13 release. The release notes detail all the new features and fixes. I am stoked about this because a few patches that I submitted are included in this release candidate. I patched the CloudStack driver quite a bit to improve the support for Clouds with a basic zone like Exoscale. There is more work to do on this driver including better support for Advanced zone especially for port forwarding, firewall rules and more unit tests. A the CloudStack hackathon last sunday @pst418 submitted a few patches for unit tests and they made it as well into 0.13 RC, terrific.
If you don't know libcloud, it's a python based API wrapper to abstract the various cloud APIs. With libcloud you can create connections to multiple clouds, potentially using different API. At a high level, it is similar to jclouds for JAVA or deltacloud written in ruby. There was already a CloudStack driver but its functionality was limited. If you grab my quickie libcloud shell, you can try to follow this walkthrough of what you can do with libcloud and a CloudStack basic zone. Of course you will need a CloudStack endpoint.
Start the libshell and check what zone you are on:
$ python ./libshell.py
Hello LibCloud Shell !!
You are running at: https://api.exoscale.ch/compute
>>> conn.list_locations()
[<NodeLocation: id=1128bd56-b4d9-4ac6-a7b9-c715b187ce11, name=CH-GV2, country=AU, driver=CloudStack>]
You might notice a wrong country code, it is hard-coded in libcloud, I need to file a bug for this. Get the list of templates (or images in libcloud speak):
>>> conn.list_images()
[<NodeImage: id=01df77c3-0150-412a-a580-413a50924a18, name=Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, driver=CloudStack ...>,
<NodeImage: id=89ee852c-a5f5-4ab9-a311-89f39d133e88, name=Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, driver=CloudStack ...>,
<NodeImage: id=ccd142ec-83e3-4108-b1c5-8e1fdb353ff9, name=Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, driver=CloudStack ...>,
<NodeImage: id=f2101a0c-eaf7-4760-a143-0a5c940fd864, name=Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, driver=CloudStack ...>,
<NodeImage: id=77d32782-6866-43d4-9524-6fe346594d09, name=CentOS 5.5(64-bit) no GUI (KVM), driver=CloudStack ...>,
<NodeImage: id=29cba09f-4569-4bb3-95e7-71f833876e3e, name=Windows Server 2012, driver=CloudStack ...>,
<NodeImage: id=ee241b47-4303-40c8-af58-42ed6bf09f8c, name=Windows Server 2012, driver=CloudStack ...>,
<NodeImage: id=754ea486-d649-49e5-a70e-5e5d458f0df0, name=Windows Server 2012, driver=CloudStack ...>,
<NodeImage: id=0f9f4f49-afc2-4139-b26b-b05a9f51ea74, name=Windows Server 2012, driver=CloudStack ...>,
<NodeImage: id=954752a8-0486-46bb-8e3f-0adb3e01c619, name=Linux CentOS 6.4 64-bit, driver=CloudStack ...<]
I cut the previous output, but there are also Ubuntu and CentOS images on that cloud...You can then list the various instance types or sizes in libcloud speak.
>>> conn.list_sizes()
[<NodeSize: id=71004023-bb72-4a97-b1e9-bc66dfce9470, name=Micro, ram=512 disk=0 bandwidth=0 price=0 driver=CloudStack ...>,
<NodeSize: id=b6cd1ff5-3a2f-4e9d-a4d1-8988c1191fe8, name=Tiny, ram=1024 disk=0 bandwidth=0 price=0 driver=CloudStack ...>,
<NodeSize: id=21624abb-764e-4def-81d7-9fc54b5957fb, name=Small, ram=2048 disk=0 bandwidth=0 price=0 driver=CloudStack ...>,
<NodeSize: id=b6e9d1e8-89fc-4db3-aaa4-9b4c5b1d0844, name=Medium, ram=4096 disk=0 bandwidth=0 price=0 driver=CloudStack ...>,
<NodeSize: id=c6f99499-7f59-4138-9427-a09db13af2bc, name=Large, ram=8182 disk=0 bandwidth=0 price=0 driver=CloudStack ...>,
<NodeSize: id=350dc5ea-fe6d-42ba-b6c0-efb8b75617ad, name=Extra-large, ram=16384 disk=0 bandwidth=0 price=0 driver=CloudStack ...>,
<NodeSize: id=a216b0d1-370f-4e21-a0eb-3dfc6302b564, name=Huge, ram=32184 disk=0 bandwidth=0 price=0 driver=CloudStack ...>]
What I added is the management of ssh key pairs and security groups, you can now list, create and delete both keypairs and security groups, and use those when deploying nodes. (Don't bother trying to do anything with the keys below, I deleted everything.)
>>> conn.ex_list_keypairs()
[{u'name': u'foobar', u'fingerprint': u'b9:2d:4b:07:db:e7:3e:42:17:11:22:33:44:55:66:77'}]
>>> conn.ex_list_security_groups()
[{u'egressrule': [], u'account': u'foobar@gmail.com', u'domainid': u'ab53d864-6f78-4993-bb28-9b8667b535a1', u'description': u'Default
Security Group', u'tags': [], u'domain': u'foobar@gmail.com', u'ingressrule': [{u'startport': 22, u'cidr': u'', u'protocol':
u'tcp', u'endport': 22, u'ruleid': u'b83428c0-7f4c-44d1-bc96-4e1720168fdf'}, {u'startport': 80, u'cidr': u'', u'protocol':
u'tcp', u'endport': 80, u'ruleid': u'042124dd-652d-4fa2-8bee-d69973380f21'}], u'id': u'ebfa2339-e9ae-4dcb-b73c-a76cd3fce39e', u'name':
u'default'}, {u'account': u'foobar@gmail.com', u'domainid': u'ab53d864-6f78-4993-bb28-9b8667b535a1', u'description': u'this is a test',
u'domain': u'foobar@gmail.com', u'id': u'b7f5fbad-4244-491f-9547-c91a010e0c9d', u'name': u'toto'}]
>>> conn.ex_create_keypair('test')
{u'privateKey': u'-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIICXAIBAAKBgQCAuPufJnbzFkyIUaMymkXwfilA5qS2J9fx2Q3EWNDs1m89FLFq\n19ERjG43ZvRuI/KGwWZwHbhqoqJth7WQYNe
nW0Uun+rEcjRnXbUN8wUQ6FSFrxk2VSajbCBteTOrF24=\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n', u'name': u'test', u'fingerprint': u'43:59:7e:00:16:45:fc:ab:81:55:03:47:12:22:1e:d5'}
>>> conn.ex_list_keypairs()
[{u'name': u'test', u'fingerprint': u'43:59:7e:00:16:45:fc:ab:81:55:03:47:12:22:1e:d5'}, {u'name': u'foobar',
u'fingerprint': u'b9:2d:4b:07:db:e7:3e:42:17:11:22:33:44:55:66:77'}]
>>> conn.ex_delete_keypair('test')
>>> conn.ex_list_keypairs()
[{u'name': u'foobar', u'fingerprint': u'b9:2d:4b:07:db:e7:3e:42:17:11:22:33:44:55:66:77'}]
>>> conn.ex_create_security_group('heyhey')
{u'account': u'runseb@gmail.com', u'domainid': u'ab53d864-6f78-4993-bb28-9b8667b535a1', u'id':
u'77ad73b5-a383-4e13-94be-a38ef9877996', u'domain': u'runseb@gmail.com', u'name': u'heyhey'}
>>> conn.ex_list_security_groups()
[{u'egressrule': [], u'account': u'foobar@gmail.com', u'domainid': u'ab53d864-6f78-4993-bb28-9b8667b535a1',
u'description': u'Default Security Group', u'tags': [], u'domain': u'foobar@gmail.com', u'ingressrule': [{u'startport': 22, u'cidr':
u'', u'protocol': u'tcp', u'endport': 22, u'ruleid': u'b83428c0-7f4c-44d1-bc96-4e1720168fdf'}, {u'startport': 80, u'cidr': u'', u'protocol': u'tcp', u'endport': 80, u'ruleid': u'042124dd-652d-4fa2-8bee-d69973380f21'}], u'id': u'ebfa2339-e9ae-4dcb-b73c-a76cd3fce39e',
u'name': u'default'}, {u'account': u'foobar@gmail.com', u'domainid': u'ab53d864-6f78-4993-bb28-9b8667b535a1', u'description':
u'this is a test', u'domain': u'foobar@gmail.com', u'id': u'b7f5fbad-4244-491f-9547-c91a010e0c9d', u'name': u'toto'},
{u'account': u'foobar@gmail.com', u'domainid': u'ab53d864-6f78-4993-bb28-9b8667b535a1', u'id': u'77ad73b5-a383-4e13-94be-a38ef9877996',
u'domain': u'foobar@gmail.com', u'name': u'heyhey'}]
>>> conn.ex_delete_security_group('heyhey')
>>> conn.ex_list_security_groups()
[{u'egressrule': [], u'account': u'runseb@gmail.com', u'domainid': u'ab53d864-6f78-4993-bb28-9b8667b535a1',
u'description': u'Default Security Group', u'tags': [], u'domain': u'foobar@gmail.com', u'ingressrule': [{u'startport': 22, u'cidr':
u'', u'protocol': u'tcp', u'endport': 22, u'ruleid': u'b83428c0-7f4c-44d1-bc96-4e1720168fdf'}, {u'startport': 80, u'cidr':
u'', u'protocol': u'tcp', u'endport': 80, u'ruleid': u'042124dd-652d-4fa2-8bee-d69973380f21'}], u'id': u'ebfa2339-e9ae-4dcb-b73c-a76cd3fce39e',
u'name': u'default'}, {u'account': u'foobar@gmail.com', u'domainid': u'ab53d864-6f78-4993-bb28-9b8667b535a1',
u'description': u'this is a test', u'domain': u'foobar@gmail.com', u'id': u'b7f5fbad-4244-491f-9547-c91a010e0c9d', u'name': u'toto'}]
With a security group created you can now add an ingress rule:
>>> conn.ex_authorize_security_group_ingress(securitygroupname='toto',protocol='TCP',cidrlist='',
{u'egressrule': [], u'account': u'runseb@gmail.com', u'domainid': u'ab53d864-6f78-4993-bb28-9b8667b535a1',
u'description': u'this is a test', u'domain': u'runseb@gmail.com', u'ingressrule': [{u'startport': 99, u'cidr': u'',
u'protocol': u'tcp', u'endport': 99, u'ruleid': u'a13a21f9-1709-431f-9c7d-e1a2c2caacdd'}],
u'id': u'b7f5fbad-4244-491f-9547-c91a010e0c9d', u'name': u'toto'}
>>> conn.ex_list_security_groups()
[{u'egressrule': [], u'account': u'runseb@gmail.com', u'domainid': u'ab53d864-6f78-4993-bb28-9b8667b535a1',
u'description': u'Default Security Group', u'tags': [], u'domain': u'runseb@gmail.com', u'ingressrule': [{u'startport': 22, u'cidr':
u'', u'protocol': u'tcp', u'endport': 22, u'ruleid': u'b83428c0-7f4c-44d1-bc96-4e1720168fdf'}, {u'startport': 80, u'cidr':
u'', u'protocol': u'tcp', u'endport': 80, u'ruleid': u'042124dd-652d-4fa2-8bee-d69973380f21'}], u'id':
u'ebfa2339-e9ae-4dcb-b73c-a76cd3fce39e', u'name': u'default'}, {u'egressrule': [], u'account': u'runseb@gmail.com', u'domainid':
u'ab53d864-6f78-4993-bb28-9b8667b535a1', u'description': u'this is a test', u'tags': [], u'domain': u'runseb@gmail.com', u'ingressrule':
[{u'startport': 99, u'cidr': u'', u'protocol': u'tcp', u'endport': 99, u'ruleid': u'a13a21f9-1709-431f-9c7d-e1a2c2caacdd'}],
u'id': u'b7f5fbad-4244-491f-9547-c91a010e0c9d', u'name': u'toto'}]
Great, keypair and security group work fine. Now let's do the basics of starting an instance and let's test the suspend and resume which was not in the Driver until now. Nothing earth shattering but it's an improvement.
>>> size=conn.list_sizes()
>>> image=conn.list_images()
>>> n=conn.create_node(name='yoyo',size=size[0],image=image[0])
>>> n.ex_stop()
>>> n.ex_start()
And that's it for now, CloudStack support is getting better, there is still tons of work to do: improve the advanced zone support, check the load-balancer and storage support, add unit-tests and new CloudStack features like auto-scaling. Carry on !!!!